
UVRays: Fitness, Fun, and Friends…for a Lifetime

The Upper Valley Aquatic Center (UVAC) has the most popular Masters Swim Program for those living in our region. If you want a program for adult swimmers (18 years and up) to help improve your fitness and stroke technique, this is the program for YOU. The Masters Swim Program is designed to help you reach your swimming goals with inspired coaching, camaraderie and a convenient work-out schedule in a fun and challenging environment. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help! Register at the Welcome Desk.

Masters swim is the best, friendliest team in town!!” –MS
Overall, I think you’re doing a wonderful job. So, thank you! I’m a masters swimmer. The practices are extremely well run. UVAC is a friendly, welcoming, and well-organized facility.” –EK

Trying Masters before you join is FREE!

We encourage interested swimmers to try a Masters practice for FREE, to make sure the program fits your schedule and expectations. This offer applies to UVAC Members and Non-Members. To request a FREE trial practice, email [email protected] . Please state which day and practice time you’re requesting.

Register for Masters at the Welcome Desk. 802-296-2850 ex 0

Masters Practice Schedule and Rates


5:30-6:30am M-F
6:30-7:30am M-F
9-10am M/T/Th
6:05-7:05pm M/T/Th
7:00-8:30am Sat
7:30-8:45am Sun

New Masters swimmers should contact Barbara so that she can help you be prepared for your first practice [email protected]

Masters Add-On Adult
$30 MTM renewed on monthly basis until cancelled. Requires payment of the initial prorated month and first full month’s dues.
Monthly Subscription
(12 payment minimum)
$30 Minimum 12 full months required prior to cancellation.
Annual (Prepay) Dues $331 ($28 monthly)
save $2
Savings calculations refer to MTM vs. Annual (Prepay) Dues.
Per Day $15 Member
$12 Member Senior
$16 Non-Member
$15 Non- Member Senior

The per day fee for Masters allows person to swim with the Masters program (and only the Masters program) that day. To use any other aspect of the facility, person must also purchase a regular day pass.

FAQ About UVAC Masters and Masters Swimming

The word “Masters” sounds intimidating. Do I have to be an expert swimmer?
No! In swimming, Masters simply means 18 and older.

Can I learn to swim in the Masters program?
The UVAC Masters program is not a learn-to-swim program. Swimmers should have enough endurance to swim 200-300 yards, be able to swim freestyle with rotary breathing, and be comfortable sharing a lane with one or two other swimmers of the same speed. For learn-to-swim instruction, UVAC offers private lessons and adult learn-to-swim sessions.

I can swim, but how do I know if I’m ready – or fast enough – to join Masters? I don’t want to slow everybody down! What if I don’t know the language or etiquette of group swimming?
We don’t care how fast you are! Our team includes swimmers of all ages and abilities, including people who started where you are and have improved. Don’t let your perceived ability – or lack thereof – hold you back. You don’t need to be in fantastic shape to start Masters swimming; Masters swimming will help you get in shape. We will also provide help in reading the workouts and pace clock.

I swim on my own. Why should I join Masters?
We think you’ll have more FUN! And the more you enjoy coming to the pool, the easier it will be to stay in shape, improve your skills, and achieve your long-term health and fitness goals. Your teammates will provide motivation (and friendship). Your coaches will provide interesting and challenging workouts that incorporate technique training as well as interval and endurance training.

I’m a triathlete. Why should I join Masters?
Many triathletes are Masters swimmers, and the UVRays has many triathletes and open-water swimmers among its ranks. Training with swimmers is the best way to improve the swim portion of your triathlon. Our coaches provide technique instruction and interval training with a group. Your coaches will also watch your stroke – so important in a sport that’s heavily dependent on technique.

I just graduated high school/college. Will Masters be a good fit for me?
UVAC’s Masters swimmers range in age from 18 to 80+. We range in ability from newbie to world record holders – and everything in between. It’s a fun and encouraging group, and you’ll feel like part of the team in no time. We have all ages and abilities at all practices.

Do I have to attend a certain number of practices each week?
No! We’re busy adults! We offer 20 practices per week and you can come to the ones that work best for you and your life. Some swimmers come to 6 practices per week, but the average is 2.3.

Do I have to join United States Masters Swimming (USMS) to swim with the program?
No. We are not an “official” USMS team. If, however, you want to participate in USMS-sponsored pool or open-water events, you will need to join USMS.

Do I need to compete? Do flip turns?
No. Many of the UVRays like to compete (and we host a Masters swim meet each year), but you do not need to compete to be in the program. Ditto for flip turns!

What can I expect when I attend a practice?
A supportive atmosphere. A great workout that fits your ability level. Fun and camaraderie. Each practice includes time for warmup/warmdown. The “main set” can be technique based, endurance based, speed based, or part of a weeks-long challenge series. Total yardage for the hour will vary by ability – from ~2000 yards to 3000+ yards.

Is there a coach at every practice?
Most practices are coached, but some are not. Uncoached practices are led from in the water by an experienced member of the team. Accommodations are made for various levels of ability.

Do I need my own gear?
Workouts can be done without gear, but fins, pull buoy and kickboard are sometimes recommended. A limited selection of these items is available for public use. Eventually, you’ll probably want to have your own gear.

How do I join the program and what does it cost?
Masters is an add-on to a general UVAC membership: $331/year or $30/month. This allows you to swim at unlimited practices. You can also swim with the team on a per-practice basis: $15 Members and $16 Non-Members. For Non-Members, this fee allows access only to locker rooms, showers, and one Masters practice. It does not allow access to the rest of the facility (that would require additional purchase of a UVAC day pass).

All registration and payment is handled by the UVAC Welcome Desk: 802-296-2850 ex 0.

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