Home » Programs » Fitness » Special Programs » 60/90 BE Fit PT Transition
The 60/90 BE Fit PT Transition program is a new approach to your fitness success, no matter your health history. We will help support your transition to a healthier body after physical therapy. Remain strong and drastically reduce your risk of re-injury. Get your referral and exercise plan to us TODAY!
From Water Aerobics to Gentle Yoga, and Indoor Cycling… We have just the right fitness class for your fitness journey! Check here for a full schedule of class times and descriptions! We also offer fee-based small group training like Shed and Shred, Pilates, Breast Cancer Programs, Staying Active with Parkinson’s, and Adult Learn-to-Swim Lessons.
*One time only. Not for repeat Memberships
On going
On going
Member Price:
60 days of membership for $90
Non-Member Price:
60 days of membership for $90
Monday-Friday: 5am-7:30pm
Saturday: 6:30am-4pm
Sunday: 7:30am-3pm
100 Arboretum Lane
White River Junction, VT 05001
P.O. Box 1198
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802.296.2850
Fax: 802-291-9857
Weather Hotline: 802.698.8361
🛑 The Warm Water Pool & Splash Park will Close at 9:00am on Saturday & Sunday during the Swim Meet. (Exceptions: Swim School Make-up Group Lessons and Private Lessons.)
🛑 The Competition Pool will be Closed Sunday during the Swim Meet, and Monday, February 17. (Exceptions: Afternoon Pre-Team, Swim Team, and Evening Masters practices will still run on Monday.)
Parking & Traffic: Expect increased activity in parking lots and throughout the facility.