Home » About » Ways to Give » Hartford Learn-to-Swim Sponsorship
A FREE five‐week swim lesson series running throughout the school year. In cooperation with Hartford Schools and Recreation Department, we offer free transportation, snacks and childcare with lessons. Through the Hartford Learn-to-Swim Program, over 130 Hartford students learn to swim, or improve their swimming ability each year. Developed to teach ALL Hartford second and third graders to swim, this program is free. The cost of the program is about $11,000 annually and UVAC is seeking sponsors to offset these costs.
Your participation in this worthy program will help support your brand as a business committed to the safety and well-being of children in YOUR community.
According to the CDC, drowning is the second largest cause of death among children 14 and under. For every child who drowns, five others are treated in ER’s many suffering permanent brain damage after a near drowning event. We would like to try and change that. Our goal is to give every child the opportunity to learn to swim, regardless of ability to pay for lessons.
Learn about Youth Camp Sponsorship
Learn about UVAC’s Financial Aid Program
Monday-Friday: 5am-7:30pm
Saturday: 6:30am-4pm
Sunday: 7:30am-3pm
100 Arboretum Lane
White River Junction, VT 05001
P.O. Box 1198
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802.296.2850
Fax: 802-291-9857
Weather Hotline: 802.698.8361
🛑 The Warm Water Pool & Splash Park will Close at 9:00am on Saturday & Sunday during the Swim Meet. (Exceptions: Swim School Make-up Group Lessons and Private Lessons.)
🛑 The Competition Pool will be Closed Sunday during the Swim Meet, and Monday, February 17. (Exceptions: Afternoon Pre-Team, Swim Team, and Evening Masters practices will still run on Monday.)
Parking & Traffic: Expect increased activity in parking lots and throughout the facility.