Aging? – Go for a Walk

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), “one of the most important and fundamental activities affected with degenerative aging is walking. The decreased ability to move freely in one’s environment not only reduces the physical and emotional independence of an individual, it can also lead to an increase in the degenerative cycle.” (NASM […]

Hartford Dismas House Raises Money With Quilt Raffle

Hartford Dismas House is a local organization dedicated to serving people transitioning out of the prison system and helping them reconcile with the community. In early 2020, HDH wanted to start a new tradition for its annual Dinner Celebration and Auction. An idea of a house quilt was born, and residents suggested embroidering words and […]

Why I Exercise at UVAC During COVID-19

Back in the Spring, if you had asked me if I would I be comfortable with going back to the gym during this COVID-19 pandemic, I would have adamantly said absolutely not. Who in their right mind would risk getting sick or infecting others for the sake of getting a workout? Work, the grocery store, […]

Free Online Film Screening of Angst: Raising Awareness around Anxiety: Sept 24, 7pm

Hello UVAC friends — Since UVAC is a place where we work on the fitness of both our bodies and minds, I wanted to share an opportunity to learn about youth anxiety—an issue that is especially pertinent at the start of an unusual school year. On September 24, from 7-8:30pm, Windsor-based Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership […]

Ten Ways to Prevent the COVID-15

Even though many people are returning back to work in-person, there are still a good number of us working remotely and spending our days on Zoom calls from the kitchen table. And that often comes frequent trips to the fridge. Here are 10 tips to avoid the “COVID-15” if you are working (or studying) from […]

Nutrition for the Young Athlete

Young competitive athletes need to pay attention to many aspects of their life outside of the water, including what they eat. Nutrition may seem complicated, but developing a few simple eating habits before, during, and after working out can be the difference between a good athlete and a great athlete. Before the Workout About 1-4 […]

Be Inspired by Sarah True: Olympian and UVAC Member!

Sarah True, #71: Olympian to Ironman Triathlete Talks No Fear: Sarah True swims here at UVAC. She started as a collegiate swimmer and worked her way up to a two time Olympian for the USA in Triathlon and is a highly competitive Ironman triathlete. You’ll find inspiration and motivation in the Champion’s Mojo Podcast, a […]

“Life is meant to be lived on the edges—not on a couch.”

man in pool wearing crown

An interview with Masters swimmer Tyler Bergmeier You don’t merely swim: you’re a triathlete. Tell us about that.    Not much to say here, really.  I am a short-course athlete (I haven’t even done an Olympic distance), who typically competes 3-4 times a season in a non-pandemic year.  Swimming is where I really struggle as […]

How to Survive a Pandemic and Still Be SANE!

lemons and lemonade

Oh no, you’re stuck in your hometown and it’s not a dream. I learned about pandemics in my Germs 101 class and one year later, we are living in a pandemic. I never thought I would have to transition to online learning or learn how to use web browser blockers to take exams virtually. But […]