Mary Gentry: UVAC Masters Swimmer

woman in pool

“I Miss Masters!!!”  An interview with the intrepid Mary Gentry When did you join Masters swimming, and why? I joined Masters because I’ve always liked swimming but I can’t motivate myself to swim on my own.  I need a set time, with a group of people, and someone to tell me what to do.  Then […]

Phoebe Mix: UVAC Masters Swimmer

dog with toy on bed

Editor’s Note: Well, the world has changed since I began the “Masters Up Close” interviews with members of my swim team in late February 2020. Now that we can no longer swim together, I thought I’d continue the series to connect with my teammates, see how they’re coping with the coronavirus pandemic, and relish fond […]

Carole Kitchel Bellew: UVAC Masters Swimmer

woman in red feathers and swim cap

Editor’s Note: Well, the world has changed since I began the “Masters Up Close” interviews with members of my swim team in late February 2020. Now that we can no longer swim together, I thought I’d continue the series to connect with my teammates, see how they’re coping with the coronavirus pandemic, and relish fond […]

Challenge Your Negative Thinking!

We can all get caught in that rut of negativity, maybe thinking we are not good enough or we should try harder. Our thoughts can dictate how our whole day goes. For example, if I wake up in a negative mindset, chances are, the rest of my day will be bad. Here are three ways […]

Building a Morning Routine in Quarantine

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Just waking up in a bad mood can ruin your whole day. By creating a simple wake-up routine during these uncertain times, you can kick-start your morning and set the tone for the rest of the day. Your morning routine is a personal one, what […]

How to Successfully Prepare Meals Ahead of Time

fruit and veggies

Be a Meal Prep Wizard! Life can be pretty crazy and get in the way of your desire to live a healthy lifestyle. When you are busy at work or school all day, it may seem easier to grab a quick lunch at the closet fast food restaurant or convenience store. Not only does this […]

Pelvic Floor Issues: Me Too!

pilates training class

Not THAT “Me too”! “Me too” meaning I’m a Pilates instructor (Jenny Armstrong) who teaches people to use their core, and even I have issues with my pelvic floor and core! This is a story about my postpartum journey, and it’s still ongoing. But it’s not only for people who have had children. It’s not […]

Self Care by Erin Buck

I type away late at night to finish emails that, if left undone will creep into tomorrow’s work load. I am learning about using an Instapot so even that can help me become more efficient in the kitchen on late nights with after-school activities. I spend almost every minute of my day thinking about someone […]