Schedule and Policies

Splash Camp Specifics

All you need to know to send your child to Splash Camp

Registration, Payment and Cancellation Policies

For Holiday Splash Camps 2024

Children Ages 6 – 11 Years Old

Registration Process

  • Registration will open on a first come first served basis.
  • Payment in full must be received at time of registration.

Cancellation Policy

  • If cancellation is requested by Nov 30th 5:00pm, camp charges will be refunded minus $30 deposit/processing fee.
  • No refunds available after Dec 1.
  • No refunds are given for camper’s absence.

For February and April Splash Camps 2025

For Children Ages 6 – 10 Years Old

Registration Process

  • Registration will open on a first come first serve basis.
  • Payment, in full, must be received at time of registrationCancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy February Camp: 2/17 ~ 2/21, 2025

  • If cancellation is requested by Jan 19th 5:00pm Camp charges will be refunded minus $100 deposit/ processing fee.
  • No refunds available after Jan 20th.

Cancellation Policy April Camp 4/14 ~ 4/18, 2025

  • If cancellation is requested by March 16th 5:00pm Camp charges will be refunded minus $100 deposit/ processing fee.
  • No refunds available after March 17th.
  • No refunds are given for camper’s absence..


Summer Camp Cancellation Policy

Summer Camps: Week 1  – Week 4

If cancellation/change is requested by May 19 (Sun) @ 5pm

Camp charges will be refunded minus $100 deposit

No refunds available after May 19 @ 5pm

 Summer Camps: Week 5 – Week 8

If cancellation/change is requested by June 16 (Sun) @ 5pm

Camp charges will be refunded minus $100 deposit

No refunds available after June 16 @ 5pm

Summer Camps: Week 9 – Week 10 (11)

If cancellation/change is requested by July 14 (Sun) @ 5pm

Camp charges will be refunded minus $100 deposit

No refunds available after June 14 @ 5pm

** If you need to change your camp week or cancel your camp week, please contact with Kana Wyman [email protected] or Sam Goveia [email protected]

Also all the way to the bottom of the page, contact information, we would need to remove Karen’s contact and add Samantha’s!

Daily Sample Schedule

8:00 – 8:15 Morning Drop off: Please use UVAC’s front door
8:20~ change to swimsuit in locker room
8:30 – 10 Swim Lessons and Free Swim
10:00 Change from swimming and prepare for snack time
10:15 Snack (Please bring a snack from home )
10:45 Craft time / outdoor camp games or a walk for fresh air!
11:45 Clean-up
12:15 Lunch ( Please bring your own lunch from home)
12:45 Afternoon activities include: Outdoor Play / Free time play 1:30 Change for
Free Swim (1:30 in comp pool – flotation devices provided… 2:00 group moves to
warm pool)
3:00 Change into dry clothes
3:20 Snack (Bring a snack from home)
3:30 Choice time / optional handwork project
3:55 Pick Up from the lobby by 4pm.
5:00 Aftercare Pick Up (must have pre-registered)

Please pick up your child from our Splash camp room!

Please be aware that we are not a nut free program, however we encourage folks to
plan on snacks and lunches without nuts to ensure that children with food allergies have
limited exposure. If your child does have a food allergy please make sure that you
include that on your registration form so we can make our counselors aware of any
special care needed.

What to Bring to Splash Camp

Please label as much as possible and please no glass containers!

❏ Come to camp in comfortable play clothes
❏ Bring a backpack to carry all your items
❏ Swimsuit (please no bikinis)
❏ TOWEL!!!
❏ Goggles
❏ Pool shoes or flip flops (water shoes help prevent scuffed toes in the lazy river!)
❏ Outdoor clothing (Snow Boots, Hat and Gloves, Snow Pants / Jacket)
❏ Water Bottle
❏ Snacks
❏ Lunch
❏ Extra hair bands suggested for children with long hair
❏ Hand or body lotion if desired…

Please no electronic devices or valuables.

Other than a show and tell item, we discourage toys from home as they often lead to
misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

**May we stress that each child should bring a refillable water bottle and a pair of his or
her own goggles.

Important Information and Policies

General Camp Information

● Splash camp is intended for children 6-10 years.
● We are not a nut-free facility or program.
● We no longer have purchasable lunch service
● Any medication that your child needs must be presented at Day 1 morning check-in.
Children must be able to administer medications themselves (in other words; we can’t
administer shots. We can open a medicine bottle, but the child must be able to drink a
liquid or swallow a capsule on their own) Please review with Sue or Kana any
instructions. In most cases medication will be kept in Karen & Kana’s office. Please also
let us know if your child needs assistance and/or reminding to take medication.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

● Children should be dropped off between 8:00 and 8:15am.
● Full day campers must be picked up by 4:00pm. Pre-registered Aftercare children must
be picked up by 5pm. Each child must be checked out by an authorized parent or
● A child will not be released to anyone without written consent from a parent or guardian.
If someone tries to pick up your child without written consent, you will be contacted
● For staffing reasons, we can only accept pre-registered children into aftercare (until


● If your child is sick and contagious, please do not send him/her to camp. ● Children with
a fever over 100 will be sent home right away and must remain home until they have been
fever-free for 72 hours with no medication.
● Any child who is experiencing vomiting, severe nausea, diarrhea, and/or other similar
symptoms, will be sent home and must remain home until symptoms have not returned
in 24 hours with no medication.
● No refunds will be given for days missed due to illness.

Lost/Misplaced Items

● The Upper Upper Valley Aquatic Center is not responsible for any lost, misplaced and/or
broken items. It is strongly recommended that all valuable items are left home. Please
do not bring any electronic items such as handheld gaming devices, cellphones, i-pods,
● Please check our Splash Camp lost and found daily! After Friday remaining items go
into our general lost and found.

Behavior Policy

In order to provide the highest level of safety and as much fun as possible for each individual
camper, we expect children to be respectful to the counselors and to each other. We would ask
you to instruct your child to communicate with the counselors challenges or concerns they are
having with another camper. We like to work with the children in real time to help solve conflicts.
If there are difficult issues we can’t remedy we will call the parent or guardian to be included in
a plan for remedy.

If jointly, we really can’t solve the problems and the behavior continues to be problematic, the
camper will be removed for the remainder of the session and subsequent sessions he/she is
signed up for. The parent/guardian will be called to pick up the child immediately. No refund will
be given for the current session the child is enrolled in.

Swim Lesson Placement

In the morning children will participate in a swim lesson based on his/her abilities. If we are not
sure of their placement, we will offer a quick assessment on Monday morning just prior to
lessons. This test benefits the child so he/she does not struggle during a lesson nor is placed in
a class that is not challenging enough.

Swim Test for Competition Pool

For afternoon swimming in our competition pool we require a life jacket or floatie to be worn by
children in Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. Although a swim test is available by lifeguard for a child in Level
3 or 4 who wishes not to wear a flotation device. Swim Test Includes: 3 fully submerged bobs
without holding the side of the pool. 25 yard swim without holding the side of the pool or lane
lines. 30 seconds of treading water. Roll over to a sustained backfloat.

Contact Information

If you need to speak to someone during camp hours, please take the following steps:
● Contact our Welcome Desk at 802-296-2850 to explain the situation. One of our
Welcome Desk staff will take the message to the appropriate staff member.
● For inquiries/questions/etc contact Karen Cox at 802-296-2850 ext 106 or email
[email protected] or Kana Wyman [email protected]

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