The Importance of Having a Hobby

Many of us find ourselves with more time these days. It can be easy to get in a quarantine slump, relying on Netflix, Annie’s Mac n’ Cheese, and sweat pants. Finding a hobby or something to keep you active and engaged is so important for your mental health so you can take full advantage of […]

Should I be Taking a Vitamin?


Here in the 21st century, we are inundated with health advice. From television ads, to billboards, to magazines, everyone seems to have an opinion on what is best for your body. Vitamin and mineral supplements are becoming more popular among the public, making it pretty confusing when it comes to our health. You may ask […]

Why Vitamin D Matters

We are entering many people’s favorite time of the year – Summer! Summer brings fireworks, barbeques, and one of our body’s favorite things, vitamin D. Many people do not necessarily look forward to the hottest season of the year for this reason, but they should, because vitamin D is a super important nutrient for our […]

Get Outside!  

Summertime is the perfect time to get outside more and reap the benefits of Mother Nature. There are so many activities that you can do to soak in the sunshine, and you may even find your mental and physical health improve the more time you in the outdoors! Bring your workout outdoors Garden Head to […]

Eat Your Stress Away!

We all seem to be stressed more often than not these days. You may have a fool proof way of dealing with it, or you may be struggling to find a good coping mechanism. Many of us, myself included, will sometimes eat our feelings away, which may help in the moment, but we may regret […]

“What a wonderful second family. A gift.”

woman near pool with nerf gun

Masters Swimmer Peg Sullivan Peg is a nurse practitioner at the VA in White River Junction. I interviewed her for this piece in late April when she returned from a 14-day deployment on New York’s frontline. —Liz How do you feel now that we can’t swim together as a team? I miss seeing my morning crowd, my […]

5 Tips for Creating an Effective Home Gym

Here are some ideas from Fitness Director, Erin Buck for how to create a home gym that will work for you! We all are working to figure out how we can accomplish our goals and often it is a hybrid of many things given our inability to go to a gym currently. I have a […]

If You’re Missing the Water, Don’t Miss these Books


A List of Books About Swimming Compiled by Barbara Hummel, Head Coach, UVRays Masters Swim Team Swimming has a rich literary heritage that’s worth exploring, especially during this time when pools are closed and we’re missing the rituals surrounding our daily immersions. What follows is a list of swimming books I’ve enjoyed over the years. […]