Our 11 lane, 8 foot deep, competition and training pool is 25 meters by 25 yards and provides both competitive and recreational lap swimmers with an ideal environment. We maintain the pristine water at 78-80 degrees. We offer programs for all levels of swimmers including a Masters swim program, a competitive swim team for all age children, Red Cross courses, adult and child swim lessons and we host a number of USS Swim meets throughout the year. Our elevated bleacher section can hold 400 spectators. Rental arrangements for schools, swim teams, and social groups can be made.
“Best pool in the State of Vermont – and the surrounding area. The pool is spotless, clean , obviously well maintained.” –Happy Swimmer
Weekdays 5:00am-7:30pm
Saturday 6:30am-4:00pm
Sunday 7:30am-3:00pm
Pool closes 15 minutes early
Patrons 13 years and under must pass a swim test provided by a UVAC lifeguard in order to swim alone in the competition pool. The swim test is as follows:
Monday-Friday: 5am-7:30pm
Saturday: 6:30am-4pm
Sunday: 7:30am-3pm
100 Arboretum Lane
White River Junction, VT 05001
P.O. Box 1198
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802.296.2850
Fax: 802-291-9857
Weather Hotline: 802.698.8361
Exceptions: Afternoon Pre-Team, Swim Team, and Masters practices will still run.