Megan Chapman

Megan Chapman

More about Megan

  • 200 hour Yoga Alliance
  • Master of Science in Environmental Studies
  • Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies

Megan was drawn to the practice of yoga almost 20 years ago, taking her first class in
college and has been practicing, in some form or other ever since. She enjoys the mind-
body connection and the reminder to breathe. Having coached many sports and always
utilized yoga for cross training her athletes, becoming a certified yoga teacher called to
her. She completed her 200 hour Yoga Alliance approved teaching certificate in late fall
of 2023. Megan is eager share her love of yoga with the members of UVAC by offering a
supportive, safe, and practical environment for all bodies and minds. She believes that
yoga, whether its poses, meditation, or breath work, should be accessible to all,
regardless of perceived limitations. Megan hopes to meet you where you are and to
support you to see your potential.

Megan also holds a Master of Science in Environmental Studies degree and a Bachelor
of Arts in Environmental Studies degree. She spent almost a decade as a project
manager in land conservation, helping to permanently protect many acres of special
land. She’s currently replanting her roots in the Upper Valley town she grew up in,
where her family has lived for over 260 years.

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