UVAC In the Swim
In the Swim at Upper Valley Aquatic Center Read the article In the Swim at Upper Valley Aquatic Center from Image Magazine 6_2013
In the Swim at Upper Valley Aquatic Center Read the article In the Swim at Upper Valley Aquatic Center from Image Magazine 6_2013
UVAC’s Hannah Cox, An Impressive Student Athlete Click here to read the story from 5_2015
Hannah Cox Has Gone Fishing Read the article and see the images from 5_2015
Going Swimmingly: Pool Potential Grows for Hartland’s Cox Pool Potential Grows For Hartland’s Cox 8_2015
Teresa Groton, Former UVAC Swim Team Member in the News West Point’s Teresa Groton Pinned as Honor Graduate of Air Assault School Read article from
Masters Swimmer Fritz Bedford Bedford Wins Two USMS National Records Read the article Bedford Wins Two USMS National Records 2015 Read the article Bedford Accumulates
Monday-Friday: 5am-7:30pm
Saturday: 6:30am-4pm
Sunday: 7:30am-3pm
100 Arboretum Lane
White River Junction, VT 05001
P.O. Box 1198
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802.296.2850
Fax: 802-291-9857
Weather Hotline: 802.698.8361
🚨 Important Updates 🚨
Competition Pool Access: Closed Sundays during Swim Meets and the Monday after (effective immediately).
Exceptions: Pre-Team, Swim Team, and Masters practices will still run.
Parking & Traffic: Expect increased activity in parking lots and throughout the facility.